Guided by the discerning eye of Paul Whyte, Head Gardener at Altamont Gardens this blog explores what’s in bloom in Altamont Gardens.

Now is the perfect time to plan a visit, and wander through the pathways of Altamont Gardens to discover these beauties for yourself.
Davidia Inolucrata
The deciduous Chinese handkerchief tree, this can be spectacular in May with its hanging white bracts which are a type of modified leaf. On a breezy day, the bracts flutter in the wind like white doves or pinched handkerchiefs. It is a native of China and was introduced to the UK and Ireland in the late 19th century. It is a tall tree growing up to 10m, it is hardy and will do best in a sunny sheltered spot in moist but well-drained soil.
Rhododendron Cinnabarinum
The flowers of this magnificent rhododendron hang in clusters of slim bells and have a colouring of yellow to cinnabar red. This plant was discovered in Sikkim, India by Joseph Hooker in 1849. It is hardy and best grown in dappled shade. It is evergreen and can grow 1-3m.
Dicentra Formosa
Also known as Wild Bleeding Heart. This beautiful herbaceous perennial has fresh fern like leaves and comes in pink, red and white. It is very easy to grow, hardy and it loves cool shaded areas but it will also take full sun as it does here in Altamont Gardens. It associates well with hostas, tiarellas and ferns. Its height and spread is 45cm although in time it will spread by its fleshy rhizomes roots.